Monday, August 15, 2011

Go Outside!

Brennen is still pretty little but now that he can walk and it's nice outside I make a point to go out every day. I think even in winter if you bundle the kids up it's great for them to be outside and I know my little boy just LOVES it. During the hot months this summer I've waited until after dinner when it's a little cooler and since Dad works late it's usually just Brennen and I and we go for a walk and then play at the playground. Sometimes I'll invite another mom friend to go with me and it's a good opportunity for me to get some adult interaction! :) There are a lot of nice parks here and the big ones have jogging paths so I'll even jog sometimes and then let Brennen run around. There's also a nice bike path down by the river and I love to go there. We also go camping, fishing, hiking, and picnicking in the mountains as a family. I know I only have one child but I taught school before I had him and it seems to me that kids are just happier when they're not cooped up inside all day.
I was going to post some pictures of us outside but there were just way too many to choose from so I'll just post this one of Brennen trying to escape from the stroller on one of our walks.

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